Building climate and livelihood resilience in Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa is a region highly vulnerable to a range of shocks and stresses, including climate change, poverty, conflicts, and economic instability. Resilience assessment, planning, and program design play a critical role in empowering communities and building their capacity to withstand and recover from these challenges. In this blog, we will explore the importance of …
Participatory Climate Risk Assessment: Managing Climate Risk and Empowering Communities
Introduction In Africa, climate change poses significant risks to communities and ecosystems. Participatory climate risk assessment (PCRA) is a powerful approach that recognizes the value of local knowledge and community engagement in understanding and addressing these risks. By involving communities in the assessment process, PCRA empowers them to contribute their insights, experiences, and priorities, ultimately …
Climate Disaster Risk Analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing Vulnerability for Sustainable Solutions
Introduction Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the regions most susceptible to the impacts of climate change. With its complex social, economic, and ecological dynamics, understanding and mitigating climate disaster risks in this context is of paramount importance. Climate disaster risk analysis serves as a crucial tool for identifying vulnerabilities, assessing potential hazards, and developing sustainable …
The Mediterranean diet; an example of sustainability
Yet another point in favor of the Mediterranean diet as a cornerstone of well-being, confirming the fact that this food regime is both environmentally friendly and good for human health. A recent randomized study has suggested that a “green” Mediterranean diet, i.e. with an even lower red or poultry meat content and even higher vegetable content, could be more …
Your guide to saving the world – from the comfort of your couch
Each of us has a role to play in improving the planet and promoting a sustainable future for all. Ending world hunger or fighting inequalities and injustices undoubtedly seem like titanic feats for the average citizen. But they aren’t because even the laziest among us can make our contribution, as shown by “The Lazy Person’s Guide to …
World soil day 2020 celebrates soil biodiversity
December 5 is World Soil Day, an opportunity to reflect on the importance of soil for life on Earth and to promote the maintenance of its biodiversity, which is increasingly at risk “Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity”. This is the slogan of World Soil Day 2020, an event held on December 5 each year to remind …
Transforming rural Kenya through sustainable water, sanitation, and health Interventions
Access to clean and safe water is fundamental to preventing waterborne diseases and improving overall health. Sustainable water interventions in rural Kenya focus on implementing water supply systems such as boreholes, protected springs, or piped water systems. These interventions ensure a reliable source of clean water for communities, reducing the burden of waterborne illnesses and …